Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dealing with People you can't stand ((1))

Dealing with people you cannot stand” is really spectacular book and it should be read. It helps you to learn:
1- How to use communications techniques that enable you to work with difficult personalities.
2- How to use specific tactics to counteract negative behavior.
3- How to use the telephone to build relationships.

          It starts by identifying the top 10 unwanted Characteristics then give you some skillful communication to let you survive during communication with whomever from unwanted list, then takes you in tour to find how you can bring out the best in everyone in unwanted list at their worst.

         From my perspective, it is so effective and learnable strategies for dealing with most problem behaviors and it could change all your life because it limit your angry. Instead of getting angry all the times from the behaviors of people who around you , you begin to get in deep in characteristics and begin to analysis what their thinking ways ,what they care about now and what they do not. And I think with time you will reach to professional way to communicate with people successfully whatever they are.

        Now I just wanted to go forward with the same book contents so let’s go to identify who are the top 10 unwanted list :D :D , and just I want to high light perhaps you noticed that ,when your intentions are thwarted/randomly , you occasionally become some of these people too so do not be pessimistic the essential point is that these behaviors are observable and changeable and the results of your dealing with people at their worst is , in large measure ,up to you.

1- The TANK:
Pushy and ruthless, loud and forceful, or with the quiet intensity and surgical precision of a laser, the end justifies the means. Expect no mercy from the Tank.

2- The YES Person:
Quick to agree, slow to deliver, the Yes Person leaves a trail of un kept commitments and broken promises. Though it pleases no one, Yes-people over commit in order to please!

3- The SNIPER:
This covert operator identifies your weaknesses and uses them against you, through sabotage behind your back or well-aimed put-downs in front of the crowd.

This person knows 98% of anything. Just ask! The Know-It-All will tell you what they know for hours at a time, but won’t take a second to listen to your clearly inferior ideas.

This character doesn’t know much, but doesn’t let that get in the way. Exaggerating, bragging, misleading and distracting, this legend-in-their own mind pulls you off track.

When they blow their top, they’re unable to stop, and shrapnel hits everyone in range. Then the smoke clears, the dust settles, and the cycle begins building to critical mass again.

7- The MAYBE person:
When faced with a crucial decision, they keep putting it off until it’s too late. But there comes a point when the decision makes itself. Then it’s nobody’s default but their own.

8- The NOTHING Person:
You won’t know what’s going on because they tell you ‘Nothing!’ No verbal feedback. No non-verbal feedback. They seal their mouths and stare past you as if you're not there.

9- The NO Person:
They say that “What goes up must come down.” And what comes down must never be allowed to get back up again. Doleful and discouraging, they drive others to despair.

10- The WHINER:
There’s a plan for their life, but they’re not in it. Instead, they wallow in their woe, whine incessantly, and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.'t+stand+pdf&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=N3-nTOj9DsyNjAej6cy7DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CCYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=dealing%20with%20people%20you%20can't%20stand%20pdf&f=false


My Name : Sarah Hamid said...
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My Name : Sarah Hamid said...

the definitions of top 10 are taken from book summary

Mai Hassib said...

Assalamu Alikom Sarah,

Thank you so much for the efforts and time spent on that topic, I really liked it ...

And the characters you put there, I met almost like all of them :S:S
and it was difficult to communicate with them everytime ...

I will consider buying the book, if it really helps developing my communication skills into being able to deal with such people ...

Thank you again Sarah,
Mai Hassib
ITS-GDC - Telco Support ;)

Same7 said...

It seems great Sarah ... Keep up the good working :)